Green WordPress Themes: limerain iOS 4.1 jailbreak for iPhone 4/3GS iPod Touch 3g/4g & iPad. ** New untethered Jailbreak – Absinthe for iPhone4S & iPad2 on iOS 5.0.1 – – ******************************************************* – **UPDATE#2: 04/08/11 – NEW!! Untethered redsn0w Jailbreak for iOS 4.3.1! LINK IN DESCRIPTION!! **PLEASE READ!! IMPORTANT!!! limera1n DOESN'T WORK WITH iOS 4.2.1 USE GREENPOIS0N!! Tutorial for greenpois0n iOS 4.2.1 FOR CURRENT INFO & UPDATES FOLLOW MY NEW BLOG & FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER (the best way to stay informed with Jailbreaks & iDevice news!) Mac users jailbreak with limera1n NOW! Geohot redeems himself after thumbing his nose at Mac users. DL JAILBREAK THEMED WALLPAPERS FROM MY BLOG NOW! DL LINK: LOOK FOR A VIDEO TUTORIAL FOR BOTH MAC'S & WINDOWS FOR BOTH JB's limera1n & greenpois0n!!! ###ALSO MUST DISABLE SPYBOT/VIRUS### SCAN OR WATCH VERY CAREFULLY OR YOU WILL HAVE SOME PROBLEMS OPENING & RUNNING THESE JAILBREAK FILES! AND YOU MUST HAVE WINZIP FOR WINDOWS TO UNZIP FILE!!!#### *** IMPORTANT PLEASE READ!!! *** *STEP BY STEP TUTORIAL-I have a Mac & I jailbroke my iPod Touch4g! There are two options to this jailbreak for those with Mac's(Currently no Mac download is available for either limera1n or grenpois0n) So how did I do it? Well the easiest, but most expensive is to use bootcamp or Parallels with Windows on Mac. But if you don't have a copy of windows or an extra 0 use this method… I went to … Source: