Query by hacksignfan@verizon.net: Attempting to update my ipod touch, one thing went incorrect and now it says its an I(boot) usb recovery drive. support?
Was jailbroken ahead of the update. halfway via it stopped and said the update failed. now when i plug it in, its not even recognized as an Ipod touch. I jailbroke it around christmas, so i don't remember how to do something with it. plz aid.
Finest answer:
Answer by Adopt a brain these days
Do a reset of the iPod Touch. Hold each the energy important (leading) and the property crucial (beneath the screen) for about 10 seconds until you see the apple logo. Then let it reset and see if it connects to your laptop or computer. If not, do the same, but when you see the apple logo only release the energy important (top) continue holding the house key (below the screen) for another 10 seconds or so until you see the screen that shows the itunes logo and the ipod cable. Your computer should then tell you to reinstall the software package for the ipod.
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