Today, I must break the news of a sad celebrity split. No, this isn't the latest move star couple to break up – this is the news that candy legends Mike & Ike have gone their separate ways. This formerly sweet union has turned sour as Mike and Ike part, scratching out each other's names on the candy packaging. I recently received a sample box of the famed candy in the mail – perhaps because Mike & Ike had to divvy up their assets?
– and you will be relieved to learn that despite the separation, this candy is as sweet and delicious as ever. (In fact, I think I enjoy this more now as an adult than I did as a child!) Here's a little more information about the split of the dynamic duo, and how you can share your reaction for a chance to win prizes:
Just Born, Inc., makers of MIKE AND IKE® Brand candies, confirms rumors that the legendary candy duo, Mike and Ike, have parted ways. The pair cited irreconcilable creative differences, which has been confirmed by statements from each party suggesting that Mike and Ike will stop collaborating on their famous fruit chewy candies.
The news of split has caused people to be overcome with disbelief. Therefore, the company has launched the "Tell Us Your Reaction" contest to run from now through June 26th, 2012.
Entrants must create and submit a video that demonstrates their reaction to the MIKE AND IKE® split. This could show surprise, sadness, disbelief, happiness or whatever emotional reaction the news of the MIKE AND IKE® split evokes. The reaction video should have a maximum running time of 90 seconds.
One first prize winner will received an Apple iPod Touch and a MIKE AND IKE® t-shirt. Four second prize winners will each receive an Apple iPod Shuffle and a MIKE AND IKE® t-shirt. Fifteen third prize winners will each receive a case of MIKE AND IKE® candy and a MIKE AND IKE® t-shirt.
To enter:
Entrants will need to fill out an entry form found on the MIKE AND IKE® facebook page under "The Story", at, which will ask them to provide their reaction video.
Judging is based on the following criteria:
· Overall presentation: the video spot should be well-organized and the key message clearly conveyed throughout the length of the video
· Social Engagement: the entry must portray an engaging emotional reaction to the news of the MIKE AND IKE® split
· Creativity: the entry should take a unique approach to the video concept that is interesting, appealing and attention-getting
· Use of MIKE AND IKE®: if possible, the video should incorporate the use of MIKE AND IKE® products
· Convincing Story: the entrant should clearly demonstrate their reaction to the split